
Friday, September 26, 2014

Creation Continued!

What a fun week!  We celebrated building 20 minutes stamina for Read to Self and jumped right in with 7 minutes stamina for Read to Someone!  We explored Day 3 (dry land & plants of all kinds) and Day 4 (Sun, Moon, Stars & Planets) of creation.  Please look through the pictures below to take a peek!

Are you on Tweeter?  Check out our classroom Twitter account!

Last big push for trash bags!  Please send in your orders to by noon on Tuesday! Remember, our goal is 10 bags from everyone.  They really are great bags and something everyone needs.

Monday, September 29 - RAM of the Week: Ashle
Tuesday, September 30 - Trash Bag Orders DUE
Monday, October 6 - RAM of the Week: Daniel
Friday, October 10 - Study Trip to the Children's Museum

SNAPSHOTS from the week:



Friday, September 19, 2014

God Created Everything!

Life has changed a lot here in Kindergarten!  Only 26 days of school, but huge growth in these little people!  They are working hard building our stamina for read to self (up to 18 min!), learning procedures for the listening center, and building stronger muscles for writing!  What changes have you seen in your child?  What responsibilities do they have at home?  Try some new ones on for size!  You should always build their confidence by encouraging them to do things for themselves.  Show them you trust them!  Even if they don't do it right the first time!

We are beginning to explore God's creation!  We are reading about each day from the Bible and then exploring some things with it.  This week we talked about day 1, light & dark, and day 2, water & air! FAIR WARNING... Day 3 will be Monday, and it includes dirt (or mud, in our room!).  

Discuss with your child when you see these things and talk about how important they are.  We are waiting to see what God was getting all this cool stuff ready for... or maybe I should say "who!"  Look below for a peek into our fun!

Monday, Sept 22 - Juliette is RAM of the Week
Monday, Sept. 29 - Ashle is RAM of the Week
Tuesday, Sept. 30 - TRASH BAG SALE ENDS!  Our goal is that everyone sells 10 rolls!
STUDY TRIPS - We have scheduled 2 trips for our first semester!  Please watch backpacks for more information next week!  We will need parent help, and we want to get dates to you so you can choose which trip works best with your schedule.  Do to limited space, we will "raffle" off parent spots to those interested.  We hope to have 3 more second semester, too.  We are working to get dates set in enough time for you to plan accordingly!



Friday, September 5, 2014

The Beginning of Daily 5

Daily 5 is our routine for reading time.  This will eventually include read to self, read to a partner, listen to reading, work on writing, & work on words.  This week we began to build our stamina (building our muscles inside our brain, as the kids would say) to stay focused... We began with 3 min. and we've worked up to 5 min.  

I know this may not sound like a lot to you right now, but consider that we stop the time if ANYONE gets out of their space, begins to look around the room instead of the books, or yells out to someone.  They have to stay focused on the books in their basket the whole time, ignoring all noises!  It is a huge challenge! When we get to 10 min. uninterrupted, we will get to announce our success on the school wide announcements & we will begin another one of the areas! Believe it or not, we will build up to 20 minutes total at each area!  We can't wait!  (Take a peek with the pictures below!!)


  • Monday, Sept. 8 - RAM of the Week begins with Adrian Romo
  • Wednesday, Sept. 10 - All School Mass
  • Friday, Sept. 12 - TRASH BAG Sale begins!!  Please help by selling some rolls of trash bags!

DAILY 5 in Action:



FUN FRIDAY Centers (with a special helper!!)



Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September is Here!

Learning about the 8 Smarts have kicked off a busy time In kindergarten!   We finished up with the last 4: number smart, word smart, self smart, and art smart.  We also completed our Early Prevention of School Failure screening.  Please watch for full results and explanation coming home this Friday!

1. Church- We are continuing to explore our parish and school.  Today we visited the church to practice for our first all school mass.  We go tomorrow!

2. Friends & Names- We are also exploring how we have friends everywhere!  We are working on writing our names and comparing them to our friends.  We are counting letters, graphing by first letter, and clapping syllables.  

3. Daily 5- We have also started building stamina for our Daily 5 routines.  We set our procedures for read to self today and we were able to graph 3 minutes uninterrupted!  This means that students were able to stay with their basket of books, look carefully, and without yelling out or getting up, stay focused the whole time.  We practiced 3 times and each time added a new part.  The kids did great and pictures will come soon!

4. PICTURE DAY!  Thursday, Sept. 4 wear a nice shirt with your uniform shorts/pants. We will smile pretty for the camera!

I hope you all enjoyed a nice long weekend!  Now begins a more normal routine for school.  Please make sure that you are setting good patterns for bedtime routines and giving yourself time in the mornings needed for a good start!  School begins each morning at 7:30 with the tardy bell.  Being on time helps your child get ready for their day at school.  Please help them start their day well by being on time.