
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

In Full Bloom!

Thank you so much for the fun treats this week!  The bright door & room decorations for Teacher Appreciation Week made a great Monday surprise! It has been very appreciated!!

May is here!  So are the flowers, and sneezing, and occasional hot days!  We are exploring the changes we see on the school campus, and I hope they are doing the same at home.  Have you taken a walk through your neighborhood?  What changes have you noticed since Spring arrived?  What fun new smells are there?  We found tulips and lilacs to smell.  We are hoping we get to see roses soon!

This week we have taken some time to do special things to prepare for Mother's Day.  So please be careful when you stop in!!  We don't want to ruin any surprises!  We are also visiting Survive Alive Thursday, tomorrow!  Due to the time of our return, we will eat in our room that day.  Students are welcome to still order lunch if they choose... we will just order the PB&J so they can bag them up for us.

Students are working daily on writing and reading skills.  We are completing our last round of assessments to determine reading levels.  Everyone meets with me individually for that while others follow on with our routines!

Each child is continuing to practice combinations of numbers.  They all have their own math folder with identified numbers for them.  They work at their own pace to complete their "check-off" card.  When they have completed it, we check to see if they are ready to move on to new numbers.  We are getting closer and are very excited to see who may be ready to move on!

Thursday, May 7: Survive Alive & lunch in our room
Saturday, May 9: Mother / Son Jam (get your tickets now!!)
Thursday, May 14: Annual Fund Dinner (buy tickets through the office)
Friday, May 15: NOON DISMISSAL 
Wednesday, May 20: Kindergarten & 1st grade Mass (we will all be helping in some way that day)

Pep Rally - Showing school spirit!


Monkey Bars!! Biggest challenge... we are figuring it out!


Moving each Monday morning with Ms. Lee

We've challenged ourselves to a 500 piece puzzle!!