Happy February! We are exploring our emotions and healthy choices this month! We've talked about seasons and how important it is to take care of our body, but now we are looking a little more closely at things INSIDE our body to make us feel good. While we have lots of different feelings, we always want to practice self control to still make good choices. Food can be a sticky topic with this age group as they are learning to expand their choices. We will take time to look at the various food groups & our 5 senses. We will get to compare how things look and feel.... AND of course, TASTE some :)
We have lots of books that will speak to a variety of emotions and using self control. As we move closer to Valentine's Day and the beginning of Lent, this is a good time to look at how we can choose our feelings or even change them if we need! Literature is a great way to explore how characters solve problems... both in good ways or bad ways! This gives us lots of good conversation.
We also have all started a dictionary. Ask your child what letter we are working on and what words they chose for that letter. These are "important to them" kind of words. We create a list of 10 words together, and the children choose 5 to put in their dictionary. If they get the whole list done, they can explore the class dictionaries for other words they like.
Math workshops are shifting from patterns to shapes, both 2-D & 3-D. This will include words that tell us about the shapes and their names. Students will be encouraged to make things by putting shapes together as well as practice seeing shapes withing a picture and the world around them.
Monday, Feb. 2: RAM of the Week - Kaleigh M.
Friday, Feb. 13: Valentine Party - Contact Mrs. Wolski if you'd like to help!
Monday, Feb. 16: No School - Presidents' Day
Wednesday, Feb. 18: Ash Wednesday; Beginning of Lent
Monday, Feb. 23: RAM of the Week - Toby G.