- Make a healthier choice for our body during Lent (Fasting)
- Grow closer to God (read the Bible, pray daily, attend mass)
- Help others (Almsgiving / Rice bowl)
How do you as a family practice one (or each) of these during Lent?
This week, we have focused on our healthy choices, both our food and our activity! We had a visit from the tooth fairy and from the Ruth Lilly Health Center! Ask your child about what "sometimes foods" are and what "anytime foods" are. See if you can prompt them between choices of activities or for snack!
This week we have read some fun books about food! See if your child can tell you about 10 Crunchy Carrots, I am a Pizza, or The Very Hungry Caterpillar! We have also read several words in Talking Letters! See if the kids can tell you what words they had to read as "passwords."
Looking for ways to help? Check out the article at this link:
2-d and 3-d shapes are all around us! We are exploring these shapes and figuring out how to describe them. How many sides do they have? How many corners? Where can you see them? You may want to go on a shape hunt in your house this weekend!
Week of Mar. 2: RAM of the Week - Elaina M.
Week of Mar. 9: RAM of the Week - Giovanni R.
Wednesday, Mar. 18: Noon Dismissal & Parent/Teacher Conferences 1-8 pm
Thursday, Mar. 19: Noon Dismissal
Friday, Mar. 20: NO SCHOOL / Beginning of Spring Break
The tooth fairy in action: