December is off and running! :)
Make sure you don't miss out on these great opportunities!
Each child is asked to do some small task each day at home. We hope this will be a task above and beyond what is already expected of them. This way the earn some small change / a few coins for each task.... DON'T over pay!
There are two goals for this:
1. The children learn that working is hard and it takes time to earn money.
2. The children feel proud of what they do and their gift to our giving tree items.
This month we will be focusing on the real meaning of Christmas... Jesus' coming. He gave us so much, we can all share, too!
BREAKFAST WITH SANTA: Saturday, Dec. 13, from 9:00 - 12:00
Please consider coming to a wonderful tradition! Tickets are on sale now in the office. THERE WILL BE NO SALES AT THE DOOR... Tickets must be purchased in advance. Contact the office for more information!