Learning about the 8 Smarts have kicked off a busy time In kindergarten! We finished up with the last 4: number smart, word smart, self smart, and art smart. We also completed our Early Prevention of School Failure screening. Please watch for full results and explanation coming home this Friday!
1. Church- We are continuing to explore our parish and school. Today we visited the church to practice for our first all school mass. We go tomorrow!
2. Friends & Names- We are also exploring how we have friends everywhere! We are working on writing our names and comparing them to our friends. We are counting letters, graphing by first letter, and clapping syllables.
3. Daily 5- We have also started building stamina for our Daily 5 routines. We set our procedures for read to self today and we were able to graph 3 minutes uninterrupted! This means that students were able to stay with their basket of books, look carefully, and without yelling out or getting up, stay focused the whole time. We practiced 3 times and each time added a new part. The kids did great and pictures will come soon!
4. PICTURE DAY! Thursday, Sept. 4 wear a nice shirt with your uniform shorts/pants. We will smile pretty for the camera!
I hope you all enjoyed a nice long weekend! Now begins a more normal routine for school. Please make sure that you are setting good patterns for bedtime routines and giving yourself time in the mornings needed for a good start! School begins each morning at 7:30 with the tardy bell. Being on time helps your child get ready for their day at school. Please help them start their day well by being on time.